Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Utilizing the foundry as a laboratory to explore the union of concept, process and the nature of 'things', my work manifests itself through heat 'n' treat practices such as moulding, melting, casting and fabricating.

I regard all materials being in a state of living - in flux, they breath, oxidize, contract and expand. By way of process my work apes and speeds up the work of nature in a somewhat futile but glorious attempt to create something magical. Careening between science and fiction, between reality and myth, the materials and processes oscillate between the tangible and the intangible to be ultimately experienced be the viewer in physical space.

For example the sculpture 'Fallen Sky' was inspired by my research and fascination in the medieval belief that the sky was made of solid matter, bits of which would occasionally fall off, as we now know through science, these 'bits' are in the form of meteorites : the sculpture celebrates the phenomena and materiality of a mysterious event.

19th C engraving of a meteor shower, a recent image of a 'real' black hole in the rings of jupiter and an alchemical print from the 14th Century.

1 comment:

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